

Dr Alison Jeffers, Drama
School of Arts Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester.

Alison is a Senior Lecturer in Applied Theatre and Contemporary Performance at the University of Manchester. She has researched and written widely on the subject of participation in creative activities, particularly on applied theatre and community arts practices. In 2017 she co-edited Culture, Democracy and the Right to Make Art: the British Community Arts Movement with artist Gerri Moriarty which is freely available here – https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/book/culture-democracy-and-the-right-to-make-art-the-british-community-arts-movement/

You can find our occasional blog here – https://communityartsunwrapped.com/

Dr MaoHui Deng, Drama
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester

MaoHui Deng is Lecturer in Film Studies at the University of Manchester. His research is interested in the ways in which films about dementia and ageing can help further and/or complicate our understanding of time in cinema, gerontology and the wider society. He has published in the journals Asian Cinema and Imagined Theatres, and is currently working on his first monograph (under contract with Edinburgh University Press), provisionally titled Ageing, Dementia and Time in Film: Temporal Performances.

Organisations mentioned

81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance: https://81actsofexuberantdefiance.com/about/ 

ACE: Arts Council England: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk 

The Albany: https://www.thealbany.org.uk 

Artschain: https://artschain.co.uk 

B Arts: https://www.b-arts.org.uk/abouts 

Battersea Arts Centre: https://bac.org.uk 

Born and Bred Dance Theatre: https://www.bornandbreddance.co.uk 

Cartwheel Arts: https://www.cartwheelarts.org.uk 

Manchester Camerata: https://manchestercamerata.co.uk 

CAN (Community Arts North West): https://can.uk.com 

The Change Collective: https://www.thechangecollective.com 

Contact Theatre: https://contactmcr.com 

Counterpoint Arts: https://counterpointsarts.org.uk 

DIY Theatre: https://www.diytheatre.org.uk 

Emergency Exit Art: https://www.eea.org.uk 

Future’s Venture: http://futuresventure.net 

Heads Together Productions: https://www.chapelfm.co.uk/about/our-organisation/  

Live Art Development Agency: https://www.thisisliveart.co.uk 

Metal Culture: http://www.metalculture.com 

Octagon Theatre Bolton: https://octagonbolton.co.uk  

Outside Edge: http://edgetc.org 

Participatory Arts London Network: https://www.halfmoon.org.uk/participate/creatives/participatory-arts-london/ 

Razana Afrika: https://www.razanaafrika.com 

Slung Low: https://www.slunglow.org 

Small Performance Adventures: https://smallperformanceadventures.com 

Sour Lemons: https://sourlemons.co.uk 

Spare Tyre: https://www.sparetyre.org 

Strike a Light: https://strikealight.org.uk 

String of Hearts: https://stringofhearts.co.uk/about.html 

TiPP (Theatre in Prisons and Probation): https://www.tipp.org.uk 

Utopia Theatre: https://www.utopiatheatre.co.uk 

Walk the Plank: https://walktheplank.co.uk  We Are Not Saints: https://www.wearenotsaints.co.uk